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(WMW) Watching Mountain Watching Series 

WMW intro text


Watching Mountains Watching (WMW) suggests watcher of the series – perhaps the audience or the artist, is for a moment an astral being, an objective outsider of the state of affairs. Observing, introspecting and re-evaluating the presented scene and its ensemble. 

The Mountain, the objective silent witness and keeper of time. Observing, beholding, and existing long beyond humanity and their concerns.

The Mountain and The Moon,
Approx. (D) 22 x (W) 33 x (H) 42
(Exculding high stool base)

Cement, brass, natural stone, wood.

Available for Sale,
Ship from Singapore,

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The Mountain and The Moon, 2022 Installation Approx. (D) 22 x (W) 33 x (H) 42 (Exculding high stool base)  Cement, brass, natural stone, wood.
The Mountain and The Moon, 2022 Installation Approx. (D) 22 x (W) 33 x (H) 42 (Exculding high stool base)  Cement, brass, natural stone, wood.

(Exhibition view)

The Mountain and The Moon,

(Exhibition view/Kinetic in action)
(Approx. (D) 22 x (W) 33 x (H) 42
(Exculding high stool base)
Cement, brass, natural stone, wood.

Available for Sale,
Ship from Singapore,

Enquire for details

(Kinetic view)

Cosmic Owl's Lunar Clock,
(H)850 x (D)400 x (W) 800

(Exculding base table)
Cement, light, mechanism, wood, sand.

For commission,
Open to enquiry,

Enquire for details

Cosmic Owl's Lunar Clock, 2021 Kinetic (H)850 x (D)400 x (W) 800  (Exculding base table) Cement, light, mechanism, wood, sand.
Cosmic Owl's Lunar Clock, 2021 Kinetic (H)850 x (D)400 x (W) 800  (Exculding base table) Cement, light, mechanism, wood, sand.
Cosmic Owl's Lunar Clock, 2021 Kinetic (H)850 x (D)400 x (W) 800  (Exculding base table) Cement, light, mechanism, wood, sand.
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